Transportation and Connectivity

A primary goal for any community is the ability to connect with one another. While some communities benefit from extensive public transportation systems like buses, trains, or subways, others—particularly those in rural or underdeveloped areas—rely heavily on motor vehicles for transportation, often with limited alternatives. In these areas, road infrastructure becomes the lifeline for daily activities, including commuting to work, accessing healthcare, education, and other essential services.

Expanding and improving road networks helps bridge the gap between communities with different levels of infrastructure development, providing equitable access to resources and opportunities.


Fix Deteriorating Roads

IMPROVE State Highways

Implement and Widen Bike lanes & pave community bike trails

We want to equip your community with the tools and resources you and your neighborhood need to advocate and make change.

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Organize neighbors in your community.

  • Attend a city meeting - visit here to find your city’s public website and make your voice heard!

  • Contact your legislators – find yours here!

share your ideas.

We want to hear from you!
What is your idea to improve your community?