Safety and Accessibility

Improved roads play a vital role in enhancing community safety by reducing traffic congestion, minimizing accidents, and creating safer pathways for all road users. Wider roads with well-designed intersections allow for smoother traffic flow, reducing the risk of collisions. Additional safety features such as proper signage, road markings, and lighting improve visibility, especially at night or during adverse weather conditions.


Increase visibility on roads, from markings to lighting

Implement road diets to reduce speeding

Install curb cuts and sidewalks

We want to equip your community with the tools and resources you and your neighborhood need to advocate and make change.

Here are some first steps you can take:

  • Organize with neighbors in your community.

  • Attend a city meeting - visit here to find your city’s public website and make your voice heard!

  • Contact your legislators – find yours here!

share your ideas.

We want to hear from you!
What is your idea to improve your community?